Nxde - (G)I-DLE 

(G)I-DLE is a five-member group consisting of Miyeon, Minnie, Soyeon, Yuqi, and Shuhua.
This comeback is an earth-shaking feminist statement with its main message being a quote by Kurt Cobain of Nirvana: 
"I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.".

First Listening Experience

Don't hate me, but I definitely did not like this the first time I listened to it. I thought that this old school 'Marilyn Monroe' concept was only used for an aesthetic purpose and not to convey any meaning, but I was very wrong after doing some research which I will explain in 'The Video' section.

I do have trouble liking songs that do not follow the usual K-Pop sounds, and that is the reason why I personally did not like it as much the first time round. The old school black and white sounding music was off-putting at first and made me miss their old poppier songs.

The Music

I LOVE Album Art
Image from Spotify 

As I continued listening to Nxde, I now felt like a big fool as this song was amazing once I gave it a few listens. I was so holed up in the pop hole that I forgot to tone down my prejudices against new genres of music. They composed this beautifully and mixed the pop and old school 80's sounds really well, as it sounds cohesive when I give it a closer listen. 

The vocals are so smooth and the mixing does their group justice. The pre-chorus was my favorite as it has that silky smooth velvety texture with them whispering "Yes, I'm nude" making such an impact. The rap was not cringy at all and Soyeon showed that she was one of the best female rappers out there once again.

The leader, Soyeon, wanted to change people's views on the word nude and the lyrics show that as it talks about how being "nude" in your skin is a natural thing and that people have a negative view toward the word due to their dirty mindset. 
Favorite B-Side: Change

The Video

This video is a cultural revolution as the members of (G)I-DLE embody Marilyn Monroe with their blonde hair and burlesque dresses. They addressed how women were sexualized and how problematic that was. The whole music video was produced beautifully and missed no beats. 

Image From (G)I-DLE via YouTube

The message they wanted to convey was very clear, and the use of burlesque dresses, paparazzi flashes, and animation helped immerse the viewers in this throwback of sorts with a modern rendition. The animation used to show a Marilyn Monroe lookalike was amazingly created and added to the visuals. I loved the message (G)I-DLE wanted to convey and applaud them for putting such an important issue into the limelight. They all dyed their hair blonde for the concept to get rid of the negative stereotype that blonde's are not dumb. The dance was the weakest part of this comeback, but this does not mean the dance is bad by any means, as for me, the other aspects simply outshone it.

Black And White Aspect of Old Broadway
with Burlesque Dresses
Image From (G)I-DLE via YouTube

Nxde's also made an impact in South Korea as people used to google illegal child pornography and the release of this song made it so that when people searched for child pornography, Nxde and (G)I-DLE showed up. The (G) is technically silent, so it is pronounced IDLE (aideul) in Korean. Aideul also means child in Korean, so when people search for child pornography, the song shows up.

Favorite Members:

Image via Tumpik

Image via Tumpik

I actually had two favorite members for this comeback: Shuhua and Minnie. They stood out the most for me and had amazing vocals this time round, and the stage presence was out of this world. Minnie, on the other hand, just embodied the song the best. Her allure in this comeback is indescribable, and I cannot help but be charmed by this beautiful woman. Shuhua surprised me because she usually does not get lines, but this time she sang a lot and showed me and everyone else that she was as capable as her bandmates. Shuhua does not dye her hair as she values her hair, but this time she agreed to do it for the concept and to get the message across, and I commend her for this.


Catchyness: 9/10
Production: 10/10
Vocals: 8/10

Theme: 10/10
Wardrobe: 10/10
Video Editing: 10/10
Dance: 8/10

Overall Rating: 9.2/10
Grade: A+ 


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